Between lines I Kunstwege Pontresina
Vom 15.12.2012-22.12.2012 fand in Pontresina der int. Schneeskulpturenwettbewerb "Vias d'art Pontresina 2012/13" statt.
Thema des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs war "Transitional Beautys".
Zusammen mit Peter Müller, Manuel Specht,
Marco Ercolani und Stefan Käser
entstand in 4 1/2 Tagen die Skulptur "Between Lines" (ca. 7.5m / 3m / 3m)
1. Preis der Fachjury und Publikumspreis
Between lines I Pontresina art trail
The int. snow sculpture competition "Vias d'art Pontresina 2012/13" took place in Pontresina from the 15.12.2012-22.12.2012.
The subject of the competition was "Transitional Beautys".
Working together with Peter Müller, Manuel Specht,
Marco Ercolani and Stefan Käser,
the sculpture "Between Lines" (approx. 7.5m / 3m / 3m) was created in 4 1/2 days
First prize of the specialist jury and audience prize